Our Services

  • Board Development

    Cascalote will help you develop tools to engage board members in ways that help them realize their potential as advocates, and as fundraisers.

  • Planned Giving Marketing & Endowment Campaigns

    The largest gift a supporter will ever give to your organization will be a planned gift. Cascalote helps you best communicate with donors about these all-important tools, and inspire donors to make their biggest impact.

  • Prospect Identification & Research

    Cascalote helps you select the “best fit” data screening and analytics tools, develop the internal capacity for researching potential supporters, and provide guidance in using that information to better connect and engage your supporters.

  • Annual Giving

    Responsive giving campaigns are the backbone of support for most organizations. Cascalote can help you develop this tool to both acquire new donors and to retain your most loyal supporters.

  • Case for Support & Development Planning

    Developing your case statement is essential to communicating and connecting with supporters. Cascalote can help you hone your case, and create the annual plan for all your development efforts.

  • Solicitation Coaching

    Most people are reluctant to ask. Cascalote can help train your team and board to find their comfort zone, and the activities that feel natural, and which are most effective!

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